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Online Bus Tracking and Maintenance Platform

This system includes real-time bus location and status, dispatching center, route management, statistical reporting and message notifications to ensure smooth operation of the entire system through mutual cooperation.


A Bus company, established in a number of cities by the company, are facing low efficiency and other problems all the time because of the old management system. And we have achieved automated, digitized, and efficient management of vehicles, routes, drivers and other resources on a new platform, which improved the efficiency and quality of system operation while saving costs. In addition, we also offer a mobile APP, so ordinary users can view the real-time operation of the bus, and then estimate time of arrival accordingly.

The system consists of many modules, including real-time Bus location and status, dispatching center, route management, driver allocating, fault repair, maintenance center, daily maintenance, tire maintenance, vehicle cleaning, inspection plans, driver center, supplier management, vehicle management, statistical reporting, personnel management and message notification, to ensure the orderly operation of the entire system through cooperation.

Project Overview

Dispatching Center is the center of the entire system for distribution management of bus lines, vehicles and drivers. Timely adjustments, deployment of vehicles and drivers will be made by the staff in accordance with the notification of the vehicle repair and route alarms, etc. The system is also available to display all the status information on the big screen, and support real-time updates. Meanwhile administrators can view the history to understand how the whole dispatching works.

The system provides various functions associated with vehicle management, inspection, maintenance, repairing and cleaning. Histories including daily inspection reports, tire maintenance, cleaning for all vehicles are also recorded in the database, and provide powerful query and statistical functions.

Fault tracing and repair of vehicles is an important part of the system. All vehicles’ fault repair, maintenance situation of internal and supplier should be real-time tracked by the system, and reflected in the dispatching center and many other modules. Fault details of the vehicle are unlimited, except for text description, multi-dimensional descriptions including fault category, location information and picture tag are also available to ensure the integrity of information, convenience of statistics and management of maintenance staff.

In the meantime, the system also provides the APP for drivers to use on mobile phones and tablets. It can easily and quickly perform some common functions such as fault repair, vehicle status tracking, adding descriptive information, modifying vehicle mileage.

The system integrates a powerful message notification. Drivers, managers and maintenance staff can be timely informed of problems like vehicle breakdown, repair status updates, route adjustment via email, SMS, etc., to keep the related work go on smoothly.

Log and report module is one of the features of the system. All operating data of the system are saved and searchable. By using these historical data, the system can form valuable statistics provided to the company's management for decision-making. These reports include vehicle route adjustment reports, daily inspection reports, vehicle cleaning reports, fault and maintenance reports.

Ordinary users can also query the bus lines and real-time operation by the APP.

Currently, the system has been on the line and operated in many cities for three years, it has become the company's main information system. More functions are being developed for the system to meet more digitization and automation needs, and it will be gradually popularized to more cities.

online bus tracking schedule
zediot regular nolink

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